Adblock Podcast detects & skips ads on all iTunes podcasts. Try the beta release in your app store this summer!
How it works
Listen to any podcast on iTunes ad-free
Affordable subscription supports podcasters
See the Pricing / FAQ page to learn how 50% of your monthly subscription gets donated to podcast creators.
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About this project
Adblock Podcast has been my side project for over 4 years, and I’m really excited to finally get it out into the world!
There are three goals for this project:
Skip ads, especially obtrusive ones that disrupt the flow of the podcast.
Reduce consumption. Ads often prompt us to buy stuff we don’t need, increasing our carbon footprint and making us less generous, secure, and content.
Compensate podcast creators! I love podcasts and admire the people who spend so much time crafting them. Ads currently play an essential role in this ecosystem. This project compensates creators for lost revenue due to ad skipping and avoids skewing download counts to ensure ad companies aren't paying for ads that never get listened to.
Feel free to try out the beta version of the app, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me (Micah) if you have any questions or suggestions! I just launched in July 2024 so there's still a lot of room for improvement.